Let's Talk About Love

The Problem

Television, the Internet, etc. are polluting how young people view of love and sexuality. Young people often face their family's silence on the topics of love and sex, yet they often have 'experience' in it.

The generalization of divorce and celibacy must be addressed in the youngest age group, before they are confronted with these problems.

Parents, teachers, associations, imams... need to develop an enlightening discourse and animations to offer the wisdom of Islam on these subjects, and to contribute to facilitate sustainable marriage.

Aims of the Program

  • To train parents, teachers, associations, imams, and ordinary people to give talks and host workshops among families or groups, with high school students, on the issues of Love, Marriage, Sexuality and Family, according to Islam as a universal and timely wisdom.

  • To animate a network of speakers and ordinary people who are committed to helping each other to spread this wisdom.

The Program

The Axes of the Training

1. Understanding the current state of the student, the questions and illusions that animate them
2. Understanding the Islamic vision of life, humans, love and marriage
3. Learning how to animate an exchange with high school students and to know how too storytell
4. Learning how to answer the student's questions

4 Workshops


Understanding the experiences and questions of a high school student

Understanding Islam as wisdom about love 1 marriage

Duration 1.5 days


Understanding the questions we ask ourselves today

Understanding Islam as wisdom about sex

Duration 0.5 days


To experiment what has been learned by leading a workshop with young people in your family, association, or mosque...

Duration 3 hours


Share successes, difficulties and questions to be answered

Adding a theoretical zoom

Duration 1 day

Workshop Example


  1. Introduction → 2'
  2. What state is the high school student in? → 10'
  3. The questions they are asking themselves → 10'
  4. The parents' mission → 10'
  5. Discussion → 15'
  6. Role playing* → 60'
  7. How to facilitate a discussion with family or friends? → 25'
  8. Conclusion → 5'

*Role-Playing: Simulating an Exchange with a High School Student

How can we really know each other if we don't date?

How to love without getting bored? Is it possible to love and stay married all your life with the same person, without getting bored?

Do we have to get married even if we don't love each other? I don't want an arranged marriage: I want a love marriage.

Why do others love each other and have no problems, while we have a hard time to keep things together?

Recommended Readings

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Apply Now

If I choose only 1 training: I sign up for the four Let's Talk About Love workshops that remain to be scheduled in 2020-2021.

If I choose several trainings in addition to Let's Talk About Love (Quran & Drama Weekend, Keys to the Quran, Summer School...): I register for the 4 workshops that remain to be planned in 2020-2021.