Come on! We need you before the end of the world ☺

Donate to Fund a Useful Project

0 €
per year, for 3 years


Your need

  • Families, mosques, associations, institutes and society need to address major issues
  • E.g.: How to educate about Islam in elementary school? How to cultivate unity in diversity?

The project that needs you!

  • Islam Actuel wants to turn collective questions into useful research projects
0 €


Your need

  • Understanding the Qur'an is a duty for every Muslim who wishes to please God and bring the wisdom of the Qur'an into their daily life
  • But one should not understand it haphazardly. One needs guidance to understand it methodically, surah by surah

The project that needs you!

  • Islam Actuel wants to translate Muhammad al-Ghazali's book, A thematic Commentary on the Qur’ân
  • Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali walks the reader through to make the wisdom of the Quran speak on real-life questions

0 €


Your need

  • With the virtual world, we have lost the Islam of proximity that allows us, in small groups, to progress together in our spiritual, moral, intellectual and social education
  • Everyone needs a small group to encourage each other to concretize the wisdom of Islam in their personal and collective life

The project that needs you!

  • Islam Actuel wants to produce a Practical Guide to Lead a Halaqah in Small Groups, over 1 year, by adapting the program to the constraints of the daily life of a family or of a group of students

0 €


Your need

  • As a student, one needs to understand Islam as a worldview and relate it to academic knowledge
  • We need to understand the Quran as a tool for training us towards thinking about the world accurately, universally, and critically, in the service of the Common Good

The project that needs you!

  • Islam Actuel wants to translate and publish these three books to facilitate the training of a critical mind, capable of making the link between Islam and their field of academic training or activity:

Why Should You Give?

The Quran is a Book of universal wisdom. But today, confusion around it reigns.

Islam Actuel is mobilizing around a major challenge: to make the Quran speak so that it reveals its wisdom today, to children, students, the general public, and all those who are in search of Truth.

Conducting intellectual work, translating books, or making videos requires human and financial resources. We need your donation so that we can provide more quality content.

God invites every one to share their wealth, every one according to their means; to give and to give themselves freely, sincerely, for Him, for the Common Good, independently of their personal and financial interests.

To give is to purify oneself from selfishness, from the temptation of domination or from indifference towards others. To give is also to participate in correcting neglect, resisting injustice, and rising to common challenges.

"O you who have adhered to the way of God! Give (to the service of the Good) a part of what We have offered you, before the day comes when there will be no bargaining or friendship and no one will be allowed to speak in favor of another to defend him. And it is the ungrateful ones who are truly unjust."

Quran 2 : 254

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَنفِقُوا مِمَّا رَزَقْنَاكُم مِّن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَ يَوْمٌ لَّا بَيْعٌ فِيهِ وَلَا خُلَّةٌ وَلَا شَفَاعَةٌ وَالْكَافِرُونَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ

Donate to Help Make the Quran Speak on Real-Life Questions


We did it! In 2021-2022…

Book club for
Muslim students


Summer school






Thanks to you, we've received ~ 7000 €

Islam Actuel has not spent any of the donations received because the sum of the donations received does not allow us to launch any of our useful projects. We have changed our priority projects according to our constraints and new opportunities.

We need your help to finance our 4 useful projects!

All right, this time
I'll donate!