Marriage & The Art of Living as a Family
Our Analysis
Why is celibacy becoming widespread?
Why, in an age of 'more dating', 'more dating websites', 'more romance', 'more communication', 'more independence', and 'more personal fulfillment', are celibacy and divorce becoming more widespread? What is the impact of professional careers, family, past and modern tradition on the decline of marriage?
To find answers to these questions, we rely on the most serious and comprehensive study conducted to date in France, by A Study on Muslim Celibacy.
Embracing a new perspective to change how to live as a couple
Based on our study, we have designed the 'Marriage & Family Life' training program. It is not simply a matter of preparing for marriage. Marriage is only a moment in life. Today's men and women need to learn about Islam as a universal wisdom on life, love, marriage, couple life, gender roles, work, sexuality, family, and education. They need to change their way of looking at things in order to change their way of being and living as a couple, as a family, and as a society.
Training Program
No more muqablahblah. No more dating sites that lead to nothing but wasting years of one's life. No more personal development that makes you feel so falsely fulfilled that it delays the desire to get married...
Instead, we propose a training program to take place 1 weekend every month, for 2 years. Quite simply, this will give each participant the time to change his or her outlook, to develop his or her discernment but also to meet, exchange and get to know new people.
Audience: ~60 men and women selected for their seriousness.
Holistic Training Over 2 Years
The Meaning of Life
Couple's Life
Gender Roles
The Meaning of Life
Islam as a philosophy of life
Tawhid and human freedom
The Quraan: A Book of Wisdom for All
The Prophets: An Example for Us
What it means to be successful in life
Islam: The Way to the Two Happinesses
Islam and Feminism
Why is celibacy becoming more common?
Why is divorce becoming more common?
Love, tradition and modernity
Islam: the way to lasting happiness
Love & personal fulfillment
Love & marriage
Love & friendship between men and women
What is the meaning of marriage?
Marriage as a commitment
The stages of marriage
The art of choosing a spouse
The wedding party
The involvement of both families
Divorce: a problem & a solution
Couple's Life
Spiritual life
Conflicts within the couple
The state of education today
Islam: Philosophy of Education
The mission of parents
Education: What for?
In practice, how to educate?
Linking the child to the extended family
Educating in the era of digital technology
The state of the family today
Islam: Philosophy of the Family
Islam: A Philosophy of Self-Giving
Living religion in the family
Family Rituals
Family Meals
Family & Ummah
Islam: the great yes to love
Love & Desire
Man's body
Woman's body
Wedding night
Love & Pleasure in the life of the couple
Dealing with pornography
Gender Roles
Being a Man today
Being a Woman Today
Couples & Housework
Couples & Work
Islam as a work philosophy
Couples & social commitment
Decision-making & Consultation
Recommended Readings
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Apply Now
The Marriage & Family Life training cycle begins in 2021-2022. In the meantime, we invite you to participate in the launch event Study on Muslim Celibacy & presentation of the Marriage & Family Life training on Saturday 14/11/2020.
From this year, if your application is selected, you will be able to exchange within the social network that will welcome students and participants of the current Islam training.
How much does it cost? We promise you that we will never say "It costs 3000€ but the first 100 get an 80% discount". The amount of your participation in the costs will be fixed later, according to the real costs incurred (room reservation, speakers...), without the objective of generating profit.
The Marriage & Family Life training cycle begins in 2021-2022. In the meantime, we invite you to participate in the launch event Study on Muslim celibacy & presentation of the Marriage & Family Life training on Saturday 14/11/2020.
From this year, if your application is selected, you will be able to exchange within the social network that will welcome students and participants of the current Islam training.
How much does it cost? We promise you that we will never say "it costs 3000€ -80% for the first 100 registrants, that is 600€"☺️The amount of your participation in the costs will be fixed later, according to the real costs incurred (room reservation, speakers...), without the objective of generating profit.
- Starting 18/09 to 16/10/2020 - You can register
- Before 31/10/2020 - If you are admitted, you will pay the participation fee during the launch event